new (vendor-related) dilemma

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane-MHIYrZpDPrNWk0Htik3J/w at
Tue Nov 1 14:53:17 UTC 2005

Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> Emma> The vendor is one whose name is mentioned a lot on this list. We
> Emma> bought the laptop based on the praise it had received here...but
> Emma> now I'm at a loss on what to do. I don't want to "out" the vendor,
> Emma> but I also don't want others buying from them if they cannot
> Emma> support the products they sell. (And at this point it feels like
> Emma> they've stolen the laptop from us, which is quite
> Emma> frankly...disgusting.)
> Have you Bcc'd them this email?  That might help, I'd think.

Based on the email response from the vendor (received this morning) I 
will assume that they do indeed read the list. Based on their email it 
seems as though they are fully aware of the very small window of 
opportunity they have to fix this problem. Thanks for all of everyone's 
advise! Hopefully we can get this resolved!


Emma Jane Hogbin
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