plp-ysDPMY98cNQDDBjDh4tngg at
Tue May 31 07:22:51 UTC 2005
I have been thinking. There is an unpleasant situation where a patent
office does not research its applications. Then some are granted and
must be fought in court by the holders of previous art. This can take 10
years and millions of dollars. So what would be an easy step on the side
of the defenders to alleviate this (assuming the defenders are not in
the country where the unresearched grants go through) ?
(This may be stupid): Since the originating country can take 10 years
and millions of dollars to clear such a lawsuit, it would be reasonable
that other countries, with lesser resources, would require at least 11
years and 3 months to research and grant an initial claim of
infringement coming from that country against judicial persons in their
jurisdiction. On account of the backlog of cases of course. And of
course until such a claim would be resognised, any actions pending from
the original claim of infringement would be blocked or delayed.
ianal (and so glad about not being one),
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