presenting Linux to Windows admins

interlug-list interlug-vSRlqIl1h/9eoWH0uzbU5w at
Mon May 30 16:47:03 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 12:18, Peter wrote:
> On Mon, 30 May 2005, interlug-list wrote:
> > [presentation plan for Linux Eye for the Windows Guy, snipped.]
> >
> I would schedule it immediately after a major virus outbreak, 
> preferrably within the organisation. One that had their IT guys crawling 
> all over the staff and irrate clients on the phone for minimum half a 
> day. I would start it with a fresh 'install' of Knoppix done in front of 
> the class (after ostensibly removing the hard disk and putting it on the 
> table), open OpenOffice, browse a little, and play some music. That, and 
> a gift cd copy of the one used for the initial presentation, will get 
> their attention. After that, I would go down to teaching them the gui 
> tricks (middle mouse button etc), basic window manipulation, basic 
> command line editing, and where to find applications and help files, and 
> startup and shutdown.
> The *second* lesson would go into what you proposed and make a basic 
> iptables introduction mandatory.

Nice.  You answer the question "Why use Linux?" that I did not address
in the outline.  I have presumed that the other group has sincerely
requested the presentation and that they already have their own reasons
why they want to know more about Linux administration.  

I like your suggestion for a different audience.  Perhaps in-house,
where the presenter is known and respected, but where Linux has been
resisted.  I'm not willing to walk into a windows group meeting and say,
"you are stupid because you use Windows."  These are folks that are on
the front-lines fighting worms and virii.  They aren't asking about
Linux because they are stupid.  They are asking because they are

I only considered one point of view for the presentation outline; "I'm a
Windows admin, get me started on being a Linux admin."  Perhaps that
isn't the correct point of view.  Perhaps they are saying, "Hey, I'm a
Windows admin but I'm stuck with one or two Linux boxes for stuff.  How
do I manage those from my Windows box?"  That is a different
presentation.  Perhaps like this:  

Linux Eye for the Windows Guy: Administer Linux systems from Windows

Summary: This one hour presentation introduces methods to update and
maintain Linux boxes from Windows.  

Format:  The presenter will speak with the aide of presentation slides
and will respond to on-topic questions as time permits.  

0) Introduce presenter and presentation 
1) PuTTY and ssh for command line interface
2) Webmin for browser interface
3) ???
n) Q&A

So what else goes into this presentation?  I think I'll just wander over
to their site and check out their call for presenters.  

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