Problems with cd burner

Lennart Sorensen lsorense-1wCw9BSqJbv44Nm34jS7GywD8/FfD2ys at
Tue May 24 18:24:01 UTC 2005

On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 02:19:35PM -0400, Henry Spencer wrote:
> Remember that what the user program sees is directories and files, not a
> raw ISO 9660 disk.  It's not utterly unthinkable to put a layer of
> abstraction in there that would make it resemble a writable filesystem,
> with certain restrictions; I haven't investigated the details for this
> case, but I suspect it could be done.  It would, however, be a lot of
> work, and there *would* be restrictions on how you could write to it --
> you couldn't *treat* it as an ordinary disk filesystem even if it looked
> like one at first glance -- so it's not clear that it's worthwhile. 

The solution is a different filesystem, such as UDF which is what
windows (and patched linux) and probably Mac OS use for doing cd-rw
packet writing which does allow read/write direct to cd-rw.

Adding layers to iso9660 just isn't worth the bother to try to make it
do something completely contrary to what it was designed for.

Lennart Sorensen
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