Job/Contract: Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.

Byron L. Sonne blsonne-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu May 19 22:28:41 UTC 2005

Hey all,

A good friend of mine runs a business called Earthling Communications 
( They're expanding their business and 
have taken on some new clients, and I volunteered to help them out on a 
part time basis. It's a paying gig, but not full time or anything.

Problem is now that a project is getting off the ground I find myself 
becoming increasingly busy with my full time job. I need to transition 
away from Earthling but I want to hand it to someone who has the chops, 
isn't a dick and can get the job done.

The immediate needs are some hardware configuration vetting, but coming 
up very soon will be backend work using MySQL, Apache, PHP and site 
replication between here and an ISP in Florida. A bit of networking too.

Really, it's all pretty standard stuff.

Can anyone help take this off of my hands? Please note that they are not 
interested in other technologies, what's picked is what they're going 
with for now.

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