Canada's own DMCA
James Knott
james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri May 13 23:33:54 UTC 2005
Christopher Browne wrote:
> On 5/13/05, daniel <danstemporaryaccount-FFYn/CNdgSA at> wrote:
>>'cmon. think about the demographic here. everyone on this list knows the
>>dangers of things like drm and the dmca, but the mentality on this list makes
>>up no more than 2% of the voting public. the ndp is doing what any smart
>>party would do in this position: looking for the groups that'll hand them the
>>most votes. as far as anyone else is concerned, this whole "dmca thing" is
>>just some weird computer thing that doesn't concern them.
> You can get a pretty big step away from the "weird computer thing" and
> still find them unsympathetic.
> The RIAA and such are pushing for it on the basis that people are
> illegally copying music when they share around MP3s.
> There's TRUTH to that, and it's an easy point to point to.
> I can consider the RIAA to be scoundrels, but if I then "pirate"
> music, I undermine any notion of "moral high ground." There are way
> more people doing "pirate music" than there are on any 'high ground,'
> and that makes the set of DMCA opponents look unattractive.
One thing you're apparently forgetting, is that every time you purchase
a blank CD or audio cassette, you're paying a levee for the legal right
to copy music. It's impossible to be a "pirate" in Canada, if you're
copying for your own personal use.
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