running Fortran code on Linux

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh-pmF8o41NoarQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue May 10 22:19:55 UTC 2005

| From: Michael Yang <lr1003-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w at>

| I have a CFD Fortran code running on both Windows and Linux platforms. 
| It surprised me that on windows system the code can use up to 50% cpu, 
| while it can use only about 10% cpu in the linux system even there is no 
| other program running. More than 80% of cpu is idle.

For a given problem, how much CPU time and how much real time does the
problem take on MS Windows and on LINUX (which one)?

g77 is a lousy FORTRAN compiler, especially in terms of optimization.
Serious CFD probably deserves better.  There are a number of
commercial FORTRAN compilers for Linux that do much better.

But maybe you aren't doing tons of CFD, so the cost of a commercial
compiler isn't justified.

BTW, gcc4 has a new, improved Fortran.  Fortran 88 or something (I
don't keep up with FORTRAN standards).
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