getmail question... What is a "Maildir" supposed to be???
Walter Dnes
waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at
Mon May 9 02:04:32 UTC 2005
The Gentoo packagers have decided to not include the pushkey option, so
the muttrc option...
doesn't work. I'm trying to use getmail to pull mail. Here's a really
basic config file for testing...
type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = ********
port = 10110
password = ********
type = Maildir
path = ~/Maildir/
user = waltdnes
read_all = true
delete = false
message_log = ~/.getmail/log
max_messages_per_session = 5
I run up a 2-line script that first sets up ssh-tunneling, and then
launches getmail. I've created a directory "Maildir" in my home
directory. The ssh session does connect, and I get the following
complaints. What is required of Maildir?
/usr/lib/python2.3/ FutureWarning: %u/%o/%x/%X of negative int will return a signed string in Python 2.4 and up
return ("<%s at 0x%x: %r>"
getmail version 4.3.3
Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Charles Cazabon. Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2.
SimplePOP3Retriever:waltdnes-savSHZN5Fh8qMp+WYRx65w at
Delivery error (maildir delivery 18921 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
msg 1/175 (2792 bytes), delivery error (maildir delivery 18921 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
Delivery error (maildir delivery 18922 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
msg 2/175 (2299 bytes), delivery error (maildir delivery 18922 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
Delivery error (maildir delivery 18923 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
msg 3/175 (2448 bytes), delivery error (maildir delivery 18923 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
Delivery error (maildir delivery 18924 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
msg 4/175 (3656 bytes), delivery error (maildir delivery 18924 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
Delivery error (maildir delivery 18925 error (127, maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
msg 5/175 (10417 bytes), delivery error (maildir delivery 18925 error (127,
maildir delivery process failed (not a Maildir (/home/waltdnes/Maildir/))))
5 messages retrieved, 0 skipped
The logfile looks OK.
2005-05-08 21:39:38 Initializing SimplePOP3Retriever:waltdnes-savSHZN5Fh8qMp+WYRx65w at
2005-05-08 21:39:38 msg 1/175 (2792 bytes) msgid 1115510207.4707.manson from < at>
2005-05-08 21:39:39 msg 2/175 (2299 bytes) msgid 1115513396.9085.manson from <owner-tlug-lxSQFCZeNF4 at>
2005-05-08 21:39:39 msg 3/175 (2448 bytes) msgid 1115513917.9751.manson from <owner-tlug-lxSQFCZeNF4 at>
2005-05-08 21:39:39 msg 4/175 (3656 bytes) msgid 1115515876.12248.manson from
< at>
2005-05-08 21:39:39 msg 5/175 (10417 bytes) msgid 1115515947.12315.manson from < at>
Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>
An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
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