Further Follow-ups

Colin McGregor colinmc151-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Thu May 5 14:35:03 UTC 2005

Regarding Centennial College, the spot they are
thinking about for the install fest is somewhere in
their newest campus, the "Centennial HP Science and
Technology Centre". This is at 755 Morningside Avenue
(Morningside and Ellesmere Road, 1 km south of the
401). In other words we are talking a more car
friendly place than a TTC friendly place. Yes, I would
love to do an install fest in the downtown core, and
one in the west end of the city. But for now we have a
bird in the hand and let's go with it.

I have been in touch with the people who put on the
Linux World Canada show, and have made it clear they
would be welcome at the next TLUG meeting. Word is
that the President of the firm that puts on the show
has other commitments next Tuesday, but would like to
attend the June meeting. Not sure about the other
staff at that firm...

As for meeting locations in general, yes, I like the
facilities Seneca at York and those at IBM, the lecture
halls are first rate. The support of IBM and
Seneca at York is deeply appreciated. The problem I have
with both locations (and why I would be reluctant to
leave the downtown core) is I really love the social
interaction before / after each meeting, and the lack
of very nearby cheap food / pub places that one can
easily / naturally gravitate to does put a damper on
things for me.... That and as someone who is tied to
the TTC, well, Seneca at York, plus IBM  are a bit of a
pain to get to... 

Colin McGregor
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings: http://tlug.ss.org
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