Meeting updates...

Anthony de Boer adb-tlug-AbAJl/g/NLXk1uMJSBkQmQ at
Thu May 5 02:55:42 UTC 2005

Colin McGregor wrote:
> One of the points that was emphasised at the meeting was (for legal reasons
> (i.e. avoid conflict with the Toledo Linux User Group)) that we away from
> TLUG to GTALUG (i.e. Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group).

I can't see that being necessary, when the other group isn't even in the
same country.  And what about Linux users in Tokyo, Turin, and other
such cities?  It's inevitable that there be more than a few TLUGs around
the world.

Note that a GTALUG already exists, or existed, with Thamer and others
forming it after Jan cast him out of paradise.

Finally, such a name change does very much change the focus of the group,
from one centred in the city itself to one centered in a much larger
area; you may have to deal with calls to move out closer to the 905ers
(which would have once been nice, but my job is moving to within walking
distance of the present location).  Granted, the NewTLUG meetings are
out at IBM already.

Anthony de Boer
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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