Semi-OT: Database for "average" users

phil phillip-l+pbsqP8NtUm29vl6s1fFg at
Mon May 2 17:16:05 UTC 2005

On May 2, 2005, at 12:44 PM, Lennart Sorensen wrote:

> You are generally much better off never starting to use the crappy
> database wannabe's like Access in the first place.

Agreed, which makes me think it would be nice to have a package where 
the "For Dummies" user interface was nothing more than an interface and 
did its storage using something better (or a choice of somethings).  
Then, when the trivial job evolved, there'd be less trauma.

Java's EJBs gets a lot of the sense of this right even if the 
implementation and the specifics have no relevance.  In theory, you get 
control of everything when you need it, but you usually get OK defaults 
for things when you let "the system" take care of them.

Phillip Mills
Multi-platform software development
(416) 224-0714

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