OT: cat 5 cable, ethernet, connection jacks

Matt Price matt.price-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at public.gmane.org
Thu Mar 24 17:13:26 UTC 2005

hey folks,

Hope it's ok if I ask a networking question here... I'm planning to
lay a bunch of ethernet cable in a room.  I have these fancy Leviton
RJ45 female jacks and am running the cable through wolding, so having
many cables come out of a hub is a royal pain.  The computers in the
room are arrayed along a straight line.  Is it at all possible to use
the RJ45 jack as a simple junction connecting two pieces of cat 5
cable?  This would look something like this:

----		   ___________			__________
|hub|--------------|rj45 plug|-----------------|rj45 plug|
-----		  ------------			---------     
		      |				  |
		      |				  |
		      |				  |
		 Computer		       Computer	       

I imagine this is impossible, or people would do it all the time
instead of using hubs...  anyway, if someone can explain to me at
least why it doesn't work, that'd be a help.



 .''`.       Matt Price 
: :'  :      Debian User
`. `'` 	     & hemi-geek
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