Need an ISP in TO

Mike Newman presidentofthefuture-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Jun 29 17:05:06 UTC 2005

I've been with Look for TV and DSL for a long time, and I'm extremely
happy with it.
If you have their TV service they have bundle offers that are a bit cheaper.

* there is no upload or download cap
* they do not restrict ports and they do not mind if you run servers
* the customer service is excellent
* it's only gone down once (at least, at my place - your mileage may vary)
* they run a Debian mirror!

I really prefer buying the modem as opposed to renting it. I know a
few people (myself included) who quit Sympatico and never received the
package to return the modem! After many threatening phone calls (from
their side), we eventually had to take the modem on the deadline date
to a Bellworld and insist they take it. I guess Bell figures that,
since they are losing a customer, they might as well cash in on the
$300 fee?

In conclusion: Look rocks and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
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