Video importing and editing on Linux

Alex Beamish talexb-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Jul 20 02:34:31 UTC 2005


I'd like to build a Linux system for importing and editting video, and
I'd like to get some suggestions for a hardware platform, for video/TV
import cards and video editing and sequencing software.

My goal is to build a system that will produce decent quality videos
from an analog camera -- no money for DV yet, unfortunately. I'm going
to be importing 20-30 minutes of raw footage (video with audio), cut
that into a bunch of strips, view each strip and then sequence the
strips with either straight cuts or a fairly quick fade, and finally
create a movie file that I'll upload and burn onto a DVD.

For hardware, I don't have an endless budget, but neither do I want to
skimp .. if I can get a decent system for $750 or so, great. If
spending $1000 is going to make a huge difference to the system
performance, then I'll do that.

I currently have an ATI RAGE PRO TURBO 128, which was used in my
wife's Windows machine to capture video in real time (cable TV). I
believe that will work under Linux, although I've heard both yes and
no to that. I also have an 80G drive available, so really the hardware
question is down to processor and RAM, and I'm guessing the answer
will be, don't worry about processing speed, get as much RAM as you
can afford.

Thanks in advance for all your comments.

Alex Beamish

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