partitioning problem
Simon Tonekham
stonekham14-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Thu Feb 3 20:05:01 UTC 2005
John McGregor wrote:
><I don't know what the /dev/ part is
>Everything in linux is treated as a directory or a file. So in the /dev
>directory you have /hda which is the first hard drive on the chain.
><How much diskspace should I need to create the /home partition? Is it
><difficult to do? What is the reconmended amount on creating a home
>/home/simon (or whatever your user account is called) is where your data
>is going to reside, so if you are going to be doing space intensive
>stuff like graphics or ripping / storing mp3s -- you might want to make
>it fairly large say, 50 - 60% of the linux partition, otherwise 30 - 40%
>of the available space would be more than sufficient.How you allocate
>space is really dependent on what you envisage using the for -- desktop?
>server? both? etc.
well folks, it seems to me that this is getting way too complicated for
me on creating manual partitions. I guess I have to "abandon" creating
the partitions manually and removing the FAT32 partition altogether. I'm
simply going to use my full 30GB Hard Drive as my Fedora installation
and probably going to install an NTFS driver on my Fedora system. I
found it out at this link: Do you
think installing an NTFS driver (which allows me to view NTFS partitions
in a Fedora system) is necessary or do I just simply have to create a
VFAT partition in Fedora? If so, how do I do that? Could you give me at
least step-by-step instructions on how to create a VFAT partition while
in Fedora? Do I also need to be in root?
I hope this helps. Also, how do I keep my Fedora system up-2-date?
That's what I want to know. If I don't like Fedora and prefer to change
to an different operating system, let's say, Mandrake, how do I remove
Fedora along with the GRUB boot-loader?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.
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