jobs in Linux / IT

Tim Writer tim-s/rLXaiAEBtBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Sat Dec 24 17:30:50 UTC 2005

Clive DaSilva <cdasilva-q6EoVN9bke6w5LPnMra/2Q at> writes:

> James Knott wrote:
> >Whenever I hear about that, I have to wonder how Canadian computers
> >differ from those in other countries.. What's really disgusting is that
> >at a time when we're short of doctors in this province, immigrant
> >doctors are driving cabs or flipping burgers!  Why isn't there some sort
> >of supervised work program, to enable them to get started?
> >
> >--
> >The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
> >TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns
> James
> That is too logical a concept for ANY level of government that we currently
> have, to consider.
> Clive

There _is_ a supervised work program; it's called an internship. That's
right, it's the same program Canadian M.D.s have to participate in before
they're licenced. There are a couple of problems, however. First, not all
foreign education is considered equivalent -- this is a good thing and not at
all surprising -- so some foreign trained doctors have to go back to
school. Second, there are a limited number of internship spots for foreign
trained graduates. This is also a good thing; it doesn't make sense to
graduate Canadian doctors (at great expense to themselves and the taxpayers)
only to have their internship spots taken by foreign graduates.

As with most things in life, the problem is more complex than it seems. I
suspect the points system allows us to take in too many M.D.s without first
ensuring that we have the resources to complete their training.

tim writer <tim-s/rLXaiAEBtBDgjK7y7TUQ at>                                  starnix inc.
647.722.5301                                      toronto, ontario, canada              professional linux services & products
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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