Can't make connection away from home

moliver-fC0AHe2n+mcIvw5+aKnW+Pd9D2ou9A/h at moliver-fC0AHe2n+mcIvw5+aKnW+Pd9D2ou9A/h at
Thu Dec 15 19:04:01 UTC 2005

Hi Linux gurus and gurettes,

I'm running Debian Sarge on a Compaq laptop, and I'm having
a bit of trouble making an internet connection from my Mom's
house in California.  She uses SBC Global DSL, which uses
PPPoE.  (At home I use Sympatico with PPPoE, but I don't have
to worry about it because the modem takes care of it; hers doesn't).

Anyway I'm using pon to handle the PPPoE stuff, and that appears to
be working; plog tells me I have a connection.  But I can't ping
anything except the two numeric addresses that appear in the ppp0
stanza in the output from ifconfig.  At first I thought it was a DNS
issue, but I can't ping numeric addresses that I know are good either,
so that's not it.  I also (briefly) turned off my iptables and ip6tables
and it didn't help.

I tried switching to DHCP but that didn't work either.  (I can't
really tell whether my Mom's setup uses DHCP because she has
a Mac and I don't know where to find that info on Macs.  At least
it's OS X, so I can get a terminal window and do ifconfig and ping
and traceroute, but so far they haven't told me what I need to know.)

Anyone have any ideas?  I have made this work successfully before from
my Mom's place, and her ISP hasn't changed.  The most obvious things
that I might have changed are my network settings (to accomodate Sympatico);
e.g. I now use a hardcoded IP address for eth0, but again, switching
to DHCP didn't help (said it found no DHCPOFFERs, but it was trying at
an obviously bogus address, or something like that).  I'd
appreciate it very much.

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