Running k3b without KDE

Jamon Camisso jamon.camisso-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Thu Dec 15 15:16:49 UTC 2005

William O'Higgins Witteman wrote:
> There are a couple of KDE apps that I'd like to run, but I don't want to
> actually use KDE - I use OpenBox on the desktop and wmii on the laptop.
> I'm playing with amarok and k3b (and maybe kino later), and after a bit
> of poking amarok works fine, but k3b is being an idiot.  When I start
> the program it complains about not being able to find growisofs, and
> that I should install dvd+rw-tools.  That'd be fine, if it wasn't there,
> but it is.  The search paths of k3b include /usr/bin, and since that's
> where growisofs is, you'd think that would be enough.
> Better still, if I fire up Xnest and launch KDE in a nested window, and
> then launch k3b, it finds growisofs just fine.  So I'm at a loss.  I
> don't really want to run it in Xnest every time because 1) hello,
> clunky!, and 2) I haven't found a nice way to open up an Xnest window,
> launch KDE in it and then launch k3b.  Also, the KDE tries to render
> nice, pretty anti-aliased fonts at 1024x768 and Xnest scales things just
> enough to give me jaggies.
> Anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks.

Is k3b loading any of your settings on startup or is it just missing paths to 
programs? Why not try forcing k3b to load your config file (mine is in 
.kde/share/config/k3brc) with the --config option? I can't imagine why it 
wouldn't look there when running in a different WM, but it *might* be worth a try?

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