Playing DVDs on Windows and *nix

Evan Leibovitch evan-ieNeDk6JonTYtjvyW6yDsg at
Mon Dec 12 01:39:53 UTC 2005

Meng Cheah wrote:

> That said, in my experience pirated movies are sold more blatantly in
> Canada than some countries in Asia and I'm not trolling :-)

There's nothing I've ever seen in Canada that comes close to Sungei Wang
Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. Multiple open storefronts reveal rows upon rows
of three-ring binders, each page in which is a movie or PC software
package that someone can order -- the DVD or VCD is burned
while-you-wait. Cost, I recall, is about $2 each.

The vendors did not pass judgement on anything, good or bad they sold it
all. Hollywood, Bollywood, European, Japanese anime, Hong Kong fight
films. If you looked hard enough there might even be a few Malaysian
titles. The only think missing was a porn selection.

> My brother was in Asia and he asked a street vendor of pirated movies
> how was the latest movie starring a local actress (who has achieved
> international fame) selling. The film was released internationally.
> The vendor replied that the movie was so bad that he was not stocking
> it :-)

Street vendors have limited inventory that they can lug around. ;-)

- Evan

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