Tooltip in Javascript question; adding a delay

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Wed Apr 20 21:13:03 UTC 2005

psema4 wrote:
> My apologies, here's a complete example:
> == snip ==
> In the stm() and htm() functions, you'll want to replace the
> references to the textboxes in form01 with the DIV names used by your
> tooltipping script.
> Not sure if I can clarify any better without knowing which "canned"
> scripts your using.


   Thank you very, very much for that script! I tried it out (copied 
ver-batim to a test file) and the text appeared right away with out a 
delay. This is under Mozilla 1.7.6. The script I am using is a modified 
version of:

   My modified version is next. I've incorporated it into my main 
'tle-bu.js' file which I use for all JS needed by my program. I've 
documented right in the 'tle-bu.js' file how I call it now. Here is the 
script which currently works great but with no delay.

   Thanks again for your help!


-=-=-[ portion of tle-bu.js ]-=-=-
/* Integrated into the main 'tle-bu.js' file and modifications to better 
suit TLE-BU done by Madison Kelly */
  Pleas leave this notice.
  DHTML tip message version 1.2 copyright Essam Gamal 2003 
(, migoicons-PkbjNfxxIARBDgjK7y7TUQ at
  All modifications are done in the style.js you should not modify this 
file.  Created on : 06/03/2003
  Script featured on and can be found at Dynamic Drive 

var ua = navigator.userAgent
var ps = navigator.productSub
var dom = (document.getElementById)? 1:0
var ie4 = (document.all&&!dom)? 1:0
var ie5 = (document.all&&dom)? 1:0
var nn4 =(navigator.appName.toLowerCase() == "netscape" && 
parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4)
var nn6 = (dom&&!ie5)? 1:0
var sNav = (nn4||nn6||ie4||ie5)? 1:0
var cssFilters = ((ua.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")>=0||ua.indexOf("MSIE 
6")>=0)&&ua.indexOf("Opera")<0)? 1:0
var HideTip = "eval(obj+sv+hl+';'+obj+sl+'=0;'+obj+st+'=-800')"
var doc_root = 
var PX = (nn6)? "px" :""

if(sNav) {
	window.onresize = ReloadTip
	document.onmousemove = MoveTip
	if(nn4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)
if(nn4||nn6) {
	mx = "e.pageX"
	my = "e.pageY"
	scl = "window.pageXOffset"
	sct = "window.pageYOffset"	
	if(nn4) {
		obj = "document.TipLayer."
		sl = "left"
		st = "top"
		ih = "clip.height"
		iw = "clip.width"
		vl = "'show'"
		hl = "'hide'"
		sv = "visibility="
	else obj = "document.getElementById('TipLayer')."
if(ie4||ie5) {
	obj = "TipLayer."
	mx = "event.x"
	my = "event.y"
	scl = "eval(doc_root).scrollLeft"
	sct = "eval(doc_root).scrollTop"
	if(ie5) {
		mx = mx+"+"+scl
		my = my+"+"+sct
	sl = "style.left"
	st = ""
	ih = "offsetHeight"
	iw = "offsetWidth"
	vl = "'visible'"
	hl = "'hidden'"
	sv = "style.visibility="
if(ie4||ie5||ps>=20020823) {
	ww = "eval(doc_root).clientWidth"
	wh = "eval(doc_root).clientHeight"
else {
	ww = "window.innerWidth"
	wh = "window.innerHeight"
	evlh = eval(wh)
	evlw = eval(ww)

function applyCssFilter(){
	if(cssFilters&&FiltersEnabled) {
		var dx = " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." = "revealTrans()"+dx+"Fade(Overlap=1.00 

/* Modified by Madison to take the values from the page instead of from 
the array */
var timerID;
	/* Maddy: put a 1 or 2 second delay here but make sure this funtion 
doesn't run if the onMouseOut event occurs... */
		var ab = "" ;var ap = ""
		var titCol = (TitleColor)? "COLOR='"+TitleColor+"'" : ""
		var txtCol = (TextColor)? "COLOR='"+TextColor+"'" : ""
		var titBgCol = (TitleBgColor)? "BGCOLOR='"+TitleBgColor+"'" : ""
		var txtBgCol = (TextBgColor)? "BGCOLOR='"+TextBgColor+"'" : ""
		var titBgImg = (TitleBgImag)? "BACKGROUND='"+TitleBgImag+"'" : ""	
		var txtBgImg = (TextBgImag)? "BACKGROUND='"+TextBgImag+"'" : ""
		var titTxtAli = (TitleTextAlign && 
TitleTextAlign.toLowerCase()!="left")? "ALIGN='"+TitleTextAlign+"'" : ""
		var txtTxtAli = (TextTextAlign && 
TextTextAlign.toLowerCase()!="left")? "ALIGN='"+TextTextAlign+"'" : ""
		var add_height = (Height)? "HEIGHT='"+Height+"'" : ""
		if(!TitleFontFace)  TitleFontFace = "Verdana, Helvetiva, Tahoma, 
		if(!TextFontFace)  TextFontFace = "Verdana, Helvetiva, Tahoma, 
		if(!TitleFontSize) TitleFontSize = 1
		if(!TextFontSize) TextFontSize = 1
		if(!Width) Width = 200
		if(!BorderSize) BorderSize = 0
		if(!PadTextArea) PadTextArea = 0
		if(!CoordinateX) CoordinateX = 10
		if(!CoordinateY) CoordinateY = 10
		hs = StickyStyle.toLowerCase()
		if(TitleBgColor) ab="STYLE='border:"+BorderSize+"px solid"+" 
		ap="STYLE='padding:"+PadTextArea+"px "+PadTextArea+"px 
"+PadTextArea+"px "+PadTextArea+"px'"}
		var closeLink=(hs=="sticky")? "<TD ALIGN='right'><FONT 
SIZE='"+TitleFontSize+"' FACE='"+TitleFontFace+"'><A 
HREF='javascript:void(0)' ONCLICK='stickyhide()' 
		var title=(ttitle||hs=="sticky")? "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER='0' 
SIZE='"+TitleFontSize+"' FACE='"+TitleFontFace+"' 
"+titCol+"><B>"+ttitle+"</B></FONT></TD>"+closeLink+"</TR></TABLE>" : ""
		var txt="<TABLE "+titBgImg+" "+ab+" WIDTH='"+Width+"' BORDER='0' 
CELLPADDING='"+BorderSize+"' CELLSPACING='0' "+titBgCol+" 
 ><TR><TD>"+title+"<TABLE WIDTH='100%' "+add_height+" BORDER='0' 
CELLPADDING='"+PadTextArea+"' CELLSPACING='0' "+txtBgCol+" 
"+txtBgImg+"><TR><TD "+txtTxtAli+" "+ap+" VALIGN='top'><FONT 
SIZE='"+TextFontSize+"' FACE='"+TextFontFace+"' "+txtCol 
		else eval(obj+"innerHTML=txt")
		tbody =
		{ = Width
	 		tbody.Width = Width

function MoveTip(e) {
	if(move) {
		var X,Y,MouseX = eval(mx),MouseY = eval(my); tbody.Height = 
		tbody.wiw = parseInt(eval(ww+"+"+scl)); tbody.wih = 
		switch(tbody.Pos) {
			case "left" : X=MouseX-tbody.Width-tbody.Xpos; Y=MouseY+tbody.Ypos; break
			case "center": X=MouseX-(tbody.Width/2); Y=MouseY+tbody.Ypos; break
			case "float": X=tbody.Xpos+eval(scl); Y=tbody.Ypos+eval(sct); break	
			case "fixed": X=tbody.Xpos; Y=tbody.Ypos; break		
			default: X=MouseX+tbody.Xpos; Y=MouseY+tbody.Ypos

		if(tbody.wiw<tbody.Width+X) X = tbody.wiw-tbody.Width
		if(tbody.wih<tbody.Height+Y+sbw) {
			if(tbody.Pos=="float"||tbody.Pos=="fixed") Y = tbody.wih-tbody.Height-sbw
			else Y = MouseY-tbody.Height
		if(X<0) X=0

function ViewTip() {
	if(Count == 1) {
		if(cssFilters&&FiltersEnabled) {	
			for(Index=28; Index<31; Index++) { TipLayer.filters[Index].enabled = 0 }
			for(s=0; s<28; s++) { if(TipLayer.filters[s].status == 2) 
TipLayer.filters[s].stop() }
			if(tbody.Transition == 51) tbody.Transition = parseInt(Math.random()*50)
			var applyTrans = 
(tbody.Transition>-1&&tbody.Transition<24&&tbody.Duration>0)? 1:0
			var advFilters = 
(tbody.Transition>23&&tbody.Transition<51&&tbody.Duration>0)? 1:0
			var which = (applyTrans)?0:(advFilters)? tbody.Transition-23:0
			if(tbody.Alpha>0&&tbody.Alpha<100) {
	  			TipLayer.filters[28].enabled = 1
	  			TipLayer.filters[28].opacity = tbody.Alpha
			if(tbody.ShadowColor&&tbody.ShadowType == "simple") {
	  			TipLayer.filters[29].enabled = 1
	  			TipLayer.filters[29].color = tbody.ShadowColor
			else if(tbody.ShadowColor&&tbody.ShadowType == "complex") {
	  			TipLayer.filters[30].enabled = 1
	  			TipLayer.filters[30].color = tbody.ShadowColor
			if(applyTrans||advFilters) {
	  			if(applyTrans) TipLayer.filters[0].transition = tbody.Transition
	  			TipLayer.filters[which].duration = tbody.Duration
		if(hs == "sticky") move=0

function stickyhide() {

function ReloadTip() {
	 if(nn4&&(evlw!=eval(ww)||evlh!=eval(wh))) location.reload()
	 else if(hs == "sticky") eval(HideTip)

function htm() {
	if(sNav) {
		if(hs!="keep") {
			if(hs!="sticky") eval(HideTip)


  - This has been modified by Madison to take these values from the 
calling page/script and no longer from the arrays
  - When calling a tooltip use [''] for the default value or over-ride 
by providing a new value. Don't quote integers!
  - Values are taken as:


Please see below for an explanation of each option (adapted from the 
Readme file that came with the source of the tooltip):
  - 1  Title:
        Sets the tip message's title. Leave it empty for none. You may 
also insert single quoted html tags. Example:
        <font color='red'> single quoted </font>. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 2  Text:
        Sets the tip message's body text. You may also insert single 
quoted html tags. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 3  TitleColor:
        Sets the title's text color (the bold text at the top). You 
could use HEX values like '#ffffff' or normal like 'white'.
  - 4  TextColor:
        Sets the text's text color in the tip message. You could use HEX 
values like '#ffffff' or normal like 'white'. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 5  TitleBgColor:
        Sets the title's background color. Leave it empty to make 
transparent. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 6  TextBgColor:
        Sets the text's background color. Leave it empty to make it 
transparent. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 7  TitleBgImag:
        You may want to insert a background Image for the TITLE rather 
than a background color. If the image is not in the same directory
        or folder as your html file enter the full location of the 
image. Example: ["pictures/bgimg.gif"] and don't forget to specify the
        image's extension; '.jpg', '.gif', ect. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 8  TextBgImag:
        You may want to insert a background Image for the TEXT rather 
than a background color. If the image is not in the same directory
        or same folder as your html file enter the full location of the 
image. Example: ["pictures/bgimg.gif"] and don't forget to specify
        the image's extension; '.jpg', '.gif', ect. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 9  TitleTextAlign:
        Sets the position or alignment of the TITLE. You have 3 choices; 
'left' which is the default, 'center' and 'right'. Leave Empty
        for left. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 10 TextTextAlign:
        Sets the position or alignment of the TEXT. You have 3 choices; 
'left' which is the default, 'center' and 'right'.
  - 11 TitleFontFace:
        Sets the title's font family or face. Example ["Tahoma"]. Leave 
Empty for 'Verdana, Helvetiva, Tahoma, Sans-Serif' which is the
        default. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 12 TextFontFace:
        Sets the TEXT'S font family or face. Example ["Tahoma"]. Leave 
Empty for 'Verdana, Helvetiva, Tahoma, Sans-Serif' which is the
        default. [QUOTES REQUIRED!!]
  - 13 TipPosition:
        Sets the tip message's popup position. You have 5 choices; 
'left', 'center', 'right', 'float' and 'fixed'.
        if you set it as:
         a: 'left' - The tip message will popup on the left side of the 
         b: 'center' - The tip message will popup in the center. The 
mouse will be in the center of the tip message.
         c: 'right' - This is the default position. You may leave the 
entry empty or set it as 'right'. In this case the tip message will
                      popup on the right side of the mouse.
         d: 'float' - The tip message will not move with the mouse. 
Rather it will popup at the coordinates of the X-Coordinate and
	             Y-Coordinate entries. If you scroll down or left the 
scroll values are added to the X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate
		     values so the tip message will always float in the same place no 
matter how much you scroll left or right. In simple
		     words, "Static position".
         e: 'fixed' - The tip message will not move with the mouse. 
Rather it will popup at the coordinates of the X-Coordinate and
	             Y-Coordinate entries. It will not float with the scrollbars.
  - 14 StickyStyle:
        Sets the 'Sticky Style' type of the tip message. You have 2 
choices; 'sticky' and 'keep'.
         a: 'sticky' - The tip message will not hide after your mouse 
goes off the link and it will only be positioned once. A Close link
	   is automatically generated and inserted at the top right of the tip 
message so if you would like to hide the tip message just
	   click it. The properties ('color', 'bgcolor', ect) of the close link 
are set from the title's properties so the close link
	   and title will have exactly the same style and look as the title. 
This is designed specially for the need of inserting links
	   in the tip message or any thing that involves using the mouse in tip 
message's content. leave this entry empty for none sticky
         b: 'keep' - The tip message will not hide after your mouse goes 
of the link rather the tip message will move with your mouse
	   around the page. This will produce the same effect as if you didn't 
specify the mouse out function in the link.
  - 15 TitleFontSize:
        Sets the title's font size. Numbers only. You many use negative 
or positive values like -1 or +1 or absolute values like 1, 2, 3.
        The default size is 1. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 16 TextFontSize:
        Sets the Text's font size. Numbers only. You many use negative 
or positive values like -1 or +1 or absolute values like 1, 2, 3.
        The default size is 1. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 17 Width:
        Sets the width of the tip message. Full Numbers only. The 
default width is 200. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 18 Height:
        Sets the height of the tip message. Full Numbers only. The 
default height is the height needed to fit the content however you may
        want to add extra height. If you do enter the value here. [NO 
  - 19 BorderSize:
        Sets the border size which is the colored frame around the tip 
message. It's color is set from the title's bgcolor. Again Full
        Numbers only. if you don't want a border set it as 0 or leave 
its entry empty. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 20 PadTextArea:
        Adds extra padding to the area of the text. This adds extra 
space from the left, top, right, and bottom in the text content.
        [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 21 CoordinateX:
         a: If the tip message's position is set as 'left' or 'right' it 
sets the X-coordinate of the tip message relative to the position of
	   the mouse.
         b: If the tip message's position is set as 'float' or 'fixed' 
it sets the X-coordinate of the tip message relative to the window.
	   You may set positive or negative numbers.
        The default value is 10. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 22 CoordinateY:
         a: If the tip message's position is set as 'left', 'right' or 
'center' it sets the Y-coordinate of the tip message relative to
	   the position of the mouse.
         b: If the tip message's position is set as 'float' or 'fixed' 
it sets the Y-coordinate of the tip message relative to the window.
	   You may set positive or negative numbers.
        The default value is 10. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 23 Transition: (Not supported outside IE; Don't use in TLE-BU!)
        Sets the transition number. The transition is the cool visual 
effect when the tip message shows. You have a choice from 0 to 51
        different effects. 23 is random for the 22 first effects and 51 
is random for all. To disable the transition set the value to -1.
        Full Numbers only. Make sure that the FiltersEnabled variable is 
set to 1 or the transition won't play. This requires Microsoft
        Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 24 TransitionDuration: (Not supported outside IE; Don't use in TLE-BU!)
        Sets the duration of the transition. The time desired of 
transition action in seconds. You may use decimal numbers such as 0.3 or
        full numbers like 1. Setting the value to 0 also disables the 
transition. This requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.
        [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 25 TransparencyLevel: (Not supported outside IE; Don't use in TLE-BU!)
        Add transparency level from 1 to 99. The decreasing values 
increase transparency so if you set it to 1 you will barely see the tip
        message and that's if you have good eyesight. If you set it to 
99 it will be least transparent. Get the point?. Set 0 for none. This
        requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. [NO QUOTES !!]
  - 26 ShadowType: (Not supported outside IE; Don't use in TLE-BU!)
        You may apply one of two shadow styles; 'simple' or 'complex'. 
Leave empty for none. You must also add a shadow color to enabled it.
        This requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. [QUOTES 
  - 27 ShadowColor: (Not supported outside IE; Don't use in TLE-BU!)
        Sets the shadow color. Leave empty to also disable the shadow. 
This requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.

var FiltersEnabled = 0 // if your not going to use transitions or 
filters in any of the tips set this to 0

-=-=-[ portion of tle-bu.js ]-=-=-

Madison Kelly (Digimer)
TLE-BU, The Linux Experience; Back Up
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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