User group liaison

cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at
Sun Sep 19 22:18:49 UTC 2004

> My interest is not to promote Novell or SUSE but rather Linux and
> as an education club and resource. No one has a problem
> seeing IBM everywhere. See NUI, Novell Users International,
> . Why would I pay you more than I receive?

IBM has traditionally been donating real estate usage, which is worth
rather a lot.  NewTLUG has long met up at their location at Victoria
Park and Steeles.

On the flip side: What do you mean about "seeing IBM everywhere?"  IBM
gets mentioned a lot because they are a big player in the computing
market.  They are particularly interesting, of late, to people
interested in Linux, because of their key role in the SCO lawsuits.

On the gripping hand, I don't see people cutting IBM any extra "slack;"
if they want to have someone present, promoting themselves, it's as
needful for them to pay the would-be marketer as it is for Novell to do
so.  William raises a good point.  If Novell, or IBM, or whomever, wants
to have an advocate at every meeting, it seems strange that they
wouldn't be prepared to pay for that.  I don't see why anyone would
imagine it sensible for someone to be expected to represent them for
output = reverse("ofni.secnanifxunil" "@" "enworbbc")
Customer: "I'm running Windows '95." 
Tech: "Yes." 
Customer: "My computer isn't working now." 
Tech: "Yes, you said that."
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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