Linux PC for 500$ ?

Igor Denisov denisov-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Oct 29 00:41:45 UTC 2004

How important is using the SDRAM?
If you really don't want ot buy any memory, use what you've got, then
I'd look for a place that sells used PCs, a friend of mine for a
p3-500 with two big 10k SCSIs this way, companies renewing hardware.

Tiger Direct is, well, iffy in their service, from what I've experienced.
If you have time, just come up with a list of components you want in
your PC and just go around the smaller computer stores, they often
have good deals (as I discovered after my system was complete :-)

For about 500 bucks, try for:

Mobile Barton 2500+ (and overclock it, I've got a desktop version
running at 3200+ speed fine, only 0.025 volts more needed for complete
stability, no exotic cooling or anything) about $140

Nforce2-based mobo, ideally <$100
However much memory you'd like
Cheap case and whatever other peripherals, CD drive, etc.
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