Sympatico and VPN

Ilya Palagin tux-4CS0UopE6WdBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Wed Oct 20 00:42:44 UTC 2004


We have a weird problem with Sympatico too.  I found that Sympatico used to
block VPN ports, because "VPN is normally a business thing and they don't want
business stuff ran on residental lines".  Now they say they do not really block
any ports except for ports with known vulnerabilities like blaster worm (well,
they don't provide with a list of ports being blocked).  Anyway, the problem is
that at least two Sympatico customers have problems with their client software,
which sends queries to MS SQL+Access database .  If amount of transferred data
is small, it works.  But with normal load MS SQL Query generates error:

"ODBC source:\VIDATABASE - working OK UID - User Pass - ******
Microsoft Acces, linked tables, select list of available tables, tables
imported to Access database - working OK Open tables - error, ODBC call failed"

The same problem was replicated by us on another Sympatico line.  It used to
work without any problem.  Maybe someone experienced similar issues and found
how to overcome it?  Or Sympatico just found a way to break VPN connections
without blocking ports?


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