Call to arms! A new GUI for Linux

Christopher Browne cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at
Sun Oct 17 03:05:43 UTC 2004

> Aaron Vegh wrote:
> >  
> > I have begun a project called Dark Sun Linux. It's goal is to create a
> > new GUI for the Linux desktop. It walks away from the "desktop"
> > metaphor of files and folders and trashcans, of icons strewn on the
> > desktop, of windows piled on top of windows.
> > 
> > Instead, Dark Sun proposes to abstract the computing experience and
> > cut its ties with the limiting metaphor; instead it'll be a system of
> > drawers and trays, where files are kept by their applications, where
> > the user knows exactly where everything is because it's _right there_,
> > and where the keyboard is king.
> If you want a real departure from the desktop metaphor,
> then check out the recently /.-ed release of Croquet at:
> With sufficient cpu&graphics hardware, it runs on
> Linux (as well as Windows and Mac). It's open source
> under an MIT-like licence, and it's here already
> (in an alpha release for developers), so you don't
> have to start from scratch.
> I tend to agree with your "keyboard is king" sentiment;
> however, Croquet (presently) is heavily mouse dependent.
> Many have already complained about the lack of
> keyboard navigation, but now that it's been released,
> someone will likely "fix" it.

There are merits to trying to come up with new metaphors, but
the attempts have been largely unsuccessful.

I see little likelihood of some "emulating the real world via 3D"
approach being of much use, because:

 a) Your screen is only actually able to express two dimensions,
    directly, and OpenGL doesn't change that.  You can at best
    get some limited expression of depth.

 b) Human ability to use 3D is also limited.  Those people that
    have great depth perception and coordination tend to get
    paid Big Buck$ to play baseball and such.

 c) It takes a fair bit of complexity to manipulate computerized 3D
    interfaces.  The "Doom" interface seems to be one of the better
    ones, but requires all hands on deck to make it function, and
    isn't oriented at the "computing purpose" of viewing and 
    manipulating information.

Would-be makers of the "One True New User Interface" should avail
themselves of Ted Nelson's _Dream Machines_, which explored a whole lot
of this stuff roughly 30 years ago.

The fact that so little of what he wrote about has been implemented,
despite millions of dollars of research, should give some pause...
output = reverse("ofni.secnanifxunil" "@" "enworbbc")
"If I  could find  a way to  get [Saddam  Hussein] out of  there, even
putting a  contract out on him,  if the CIA  still did that sort  of a
thing, assuming it ever did, I would be for it."  -- Richard M. Nixon
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