What are your favorite fax programs these days?

Bill Mudry billmudry-MwcKTmeKVNQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Oct 13 18:05:31 UTC 2004

Presently I finally got Mandrake 10.0 to load and stay stable. I told a 
friend that later this
week I would set up a fax server for him on a spare PC that he has. What 
are your favorite
fax programs and what is it that you like about them? Where can I download 
them? RPM's
or ISO's are ok. I hope I do not get hung up with all kinds of dependencies 
a package may

I am assuming that there should be some really good free programs out there 
although my
friend, John, just might go for a small cost if there is a compelling 
reason to use a package
with some particularly good advantages. The first priority is for a 
broadcast fax server but I
may also set up a fax client to take care of weeding through all the 
garbage faxes that come
in instead of his printing everyone.

I am open to private conversations or emails also.

Bill Mudry
(905) 822-6088 

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