firewalling and Sun Netra (UltraSparc) and iptables extensions
Ilya Palagin
tux-4CS0UopE6WdBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Wed Oct 6 20:56:45 UTC 2004
We've got some Netra's and are going to use them for services like DNS,
firewalling, etc. I've installed Debian on it, it works just great! The only
problem is that 64bit UltraSparc linux kernel doesn't seem to support some
extensions for firewalling, like 'limit'. Here is an example:
>iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 3600/hour --limit-burst 20 -j LOG
iptables: Invalid argument
I've installed the latest 2.4 and 2.6 kernels from Debian testing, the same
problem. The reason for that is:
"... because these 32-bit system call translation layer needs to translate the
iptables entry structures for certain iptables targets..."
It was posted one year ago. Does anyone have a positive result for those
extension on Sparc since then? This issue isn't a big deal, filtering and NAT
are working well, but I need to setup a "pre-built" firewall with web interface
for those who has no experience with iptables, all those applications use limits.
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