Linux in the TDSB

Igor Denisov denisov-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Oct 5 12:47:27 UTC 2004

first of all, sorry about the double post

Perhaps I should take this project one step at a time.

|This would work best in general-purpose computer labs, for example at
|the library, where the main use is web browsing, e-mail, and word
|processing/printing documents.
Thank you Anton,

I kind of forgot to mention that the system was going to be a
general-purpose one, nothing specifically for CS courses other than
the possibility to tinker with stuff more advanced than VB
(half of the gr 10 and gr 11 curriculum, gr 12 gets you basic c++ in my school)

First, I think I need to decide on the distro.

I think it needs to be very newbie-friendly, have the option of
automatic updates, and virtually everything should be accesible with a
graphic interface (aka as close to windows in management difficulty as

Second (the biggest job), getting the system to cooperate with the
servers, connect to shares, keep all the permissions on the current
system more or less intact

Third: distributing the system
I am considering, if the test system is successful at its job, to
simply create an image of it, with all the access settings in place,
This is pretty much what was done with win2k around here and each time
a client machine dies, it is simply reimaged, they don't seem to
bother much with data recovery (servers excluded).

btw, I know I left out a lot of steps :-)

I'll start a thread about the distro decision soon.
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