Your choice of Restaurants in Mississauga

Bill Mudry billmudry-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Mon Nov 15 21:49:03 UTC 2004

At 11:21 AM 11/15/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Would TLUG-West qualify to use a room in one of the Mississauga Community
>Centres?    Would that room be free?

It is an option that could be kept in mind if the group grew too large to 
meet in a restaurant.
For now, I have memories of how well meeting in a restaurant worked for IPG 
(International Programmers Guild) years ago. Sharing a meal is always a 
sociable activity.
If you just met and sat around talking, I think some people would get bored 
and leave.
Its almost as if eating provides an excuse, a source of "entertainment" to 
keep everyone'
attention and interest.

Where a restaurant would NOT work out well could include:
         - When the group is too big to be accommodated in a restaurant
         - When there is a guest speaker that wants to show a live demo via 
a projector
            or use a blackboard

Certainly for a first meeting or two, there should be no need for either of 
us. I would be
surprised if our numbers would swell past 10 - 15 people and likely there 
are a lot of
people who would love just to get to know each other (in freeform style), 
what our
interests and projects are and just talk shop. Techies/programmers, etc. 
often spend
hours socially isolate (well some anyway) and appreciate just being with 
others with
similar interests.

Remember, these meetings are NOT just a change of location for TLUG 
meetings. It is
being started to make it easier to get together for those of us that are 
out in the west
end of Metro and beyond (even Hamilton and Kitchner if they care to come). 
is welcome but it stands to reason that the numbers are likely to be lower 
than the
downtown meetings. If we, as a group, would like to also have other styles 
of meetings
such as demo or speaker or install days, we can talk about it at the 
meeting and
follow up at that point. Its more than enough, bob (and others) just to 
have a light,
sociable time at the start until we really do gel together and learn what 
really would like to do.

If the numbers do grow too large to accommodate all in a restaurant, your 
would be a good one to look into at that time. My experience in the past is 
that we
all got along with up to at least 40 attending.

Bill Mudry :-)

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