Organizing TLUG/newTLUG meetings for the west end of Metro, Golden Horseshoe

Bill Mudry billmudry-MwcKTmeKVNQ at
Fri Nov 5 16:38:20 UTC 2004

At 09:29 AM 11/5/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Now I'm way the heck up in Newmarket, but most of my personal life is down 
>Mississauga way.  I'd love to attend a meeting out there...if I 
>could.  I'm VERY new to the group here so a "NewTLUG" would be ideal for me.

No reason we cannot have both TLUG and newTLUG meetings, just like in 
Toronto. Over 10 years ago I
took SCO courses and even held a position for 6 months as a system 
administrator. That was ages ago,
I have forgotten a LOT and the various distros of Linux have many 
differences from SCO Unix ---- so I
am only a small step ahead of being a complete newbie -). I have a lot of 
questions that need answering
and a lot to learn, so I would fit in well, too, in a NewTLUG group. On the 
other hand, if we eventually
had special topics and/or speakers, it may be enjoyable to attend the 
occasional west end TLUG, too :-).


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