unifying a contact list across platforms and networks

Fraser Campbell fraser-eicrhRFjby5dCsDujFhwbypxlwaOVQ5f at public.gmane.org
Sun Mar 21 18:47:09 UTC 2004

On Friday 19 March 2004 15:13, gabriel wrote:

> i'm about to start working on a volunteer project that involves a number of
> things including a few web-based database apps and a centralised
> contact-management system.

LDAP is supposed to be the all-singing, all-dancing solution to problems such 
as this.  Connectivity to LDAP is built into many email programs and there 
are LDAP interfaces from most programming languages (PHP included).  If the 
contact list isn't specifically tied to email then there are decent free LDAP 
browsers (gq for Linux is my favorite).

Most of the "groupware" solutions that I've seen end sound promising but then 
when your read about them, or install them, you find out that they're 
basically just a bunch of php scripts talking to a database and that there is 
little, or no, real integration with external apps (mozilla, kaddressbook, 
kalendar, evolution, whatever).

OTOH, I can't preach in favour of LDAP ;-)  I've made a few half-hearted (and 
failed) attempts at getting it working for authentication and I just don't 
grok it.  LDAP would be a great topic for a NewTLUG meeting if anyone's up 
for it :-)

Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org>                 http://www.wehave.net/
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