Taavi Burns taavi-LbuTpDkqzNzXI80/IeQp7B2eb7JE58TQ at
Wed Mar 17 02:22:57 UTC 2004

On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 05:23:28PM -0500, James Knott wrote:
> Rogers is 3 Mb down & 384Kb up.

Holy crap, so it is.  They upgraded it without telling me.  That would
be why my connection got a lot faster after that 4h outage.  Tickle
me happy.  They really should spend the money to advertise these things,
or they're going to lose customers who only think they're getting screwed.
I mean, they send out advertisements for everything else...

I'm still only getting about 60% of advertised speeds, but at least
60% is now reasonable.

Note: I'm pulling 60% out of my ass, but judging by my average download
speeds, I'm not getting anywhere near 100%.


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