Request for Comments

cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at
Sat Jun 5 12:18:36 UTC 2004

> No, this is not an RFC :)
> I've received an email from a club member in my capacity as talks
> coordinator.  I could not answer the person's query so I'm putting it
> to the list...
> The member is active on the TLUG list and has presented in front of
> the club before on technical topics.  The person wishes to do a talk
> on a product that their company has produced in house.
> The product runs on Linux but is not currently GPL (although it may
> become so in the future).  I think the person does not want the talk
> to come across as a sales pitch.
> So the question is - is it ok for a person to make a presentation to
> TLUG on a commercial product that their company produces?
> I now open the floor for debate...

Well, to the degree to which the presentation represents "sales pitch,"
it is likely to go fairly badly.

LUGs are generally composed of groups of enthusiasts, and in the role in
which they come to meetings, they're not usually looking to be "sold
at."  On occasions where I have seen 'sales teams' come in to LUG
meetings, it has generally _not_ gone well.  People realize quite
quickly that they're not interested in buying product, and get rather

If there are technical aspects of the product that would make for an
interesting talk, even for people that don't plan to buy it, then a talk
can go quite well.  That's in the power of the speaker, happily.
wm(X,Y):-write(X),write('@'),write(Y). wm('cbbrowne','').
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The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
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