debian dependecy hell

Hooman Baradaran hooman-B71PBEe7S7Y at
Thu Jul 29 03:00:00 UTC 2004

Are you installing the required packages via apt or individually?
I've never seen a packages that depends on more then one level of packages 
that are NOT in apt. And if such a thing exists they normally provide an apt 
source rather than individual packages.
Are you familiar with It contains non-official apt sources that 
might help. A little slow though...

On July 28, 2004 02:38 pm, Peter L. Peres wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am stuck again by the debian (in)dependency problem. I am trying to
> compile a non-deb package that depends on a lot of stuff, but said stuff
> in turn depends on other things, and there is a large amount of dependency
> mismatches. I am new to debian and I am trying to do things otherwise than
> I would in Slackware (;-), so here is some data and a few questions which
> I hope you can answer:
> Questions:
> 1. Given a package pkg1 needed, that causes a dependency list that
> requires pkg2, pkg3 etc to need to be updated before installing pkg1, is
> there a (safe) way to avoid this recursive installation ?
> 1a. If there is no safe way for 1) then how can I find the pkg1 that goes
> with pkg2, pkg3 etc, on which pkg1 depends.
> 2. In general, what is the best practice to keep a debian system happy,
> assuming that one does not want to ride the oldest horse in the stable
> (i.e. stable version)
> Some data:
> Reading Package Lists...
> Building Dependency Tree...
> You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>    libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.4.2-1) but 2.2.3-1 is to be
> installed
>    libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.4.4-1) but 2.2.4-6 is to be
> installed
>                   Depends: libpango1.0-dev (>= 1.4.0-3) but it is not going
> to be installed
>                   Depends: libatk1.0-dev (>= 1.6.1-2) but it is not going
> to be installed
> Some more questions:
> What is the exact meaning of a line like:
> 'libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.4.4-1) but 2.2.4-6 is to be
> installed' (1)                       (2)             (3)         (4)
> My take is that it means:
> While trying to install (1), it was found that it depends on (2) but
> something or other (what ?) decided that (4) is to be installed instead of
> (3) first.
> This take does not sound right to me. Please correct it if you can.
> tia,
> Peter
> --
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Hooman Baradaran
hooman-B71PBEe7S7Y at
The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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