OT: LaTeX and envelopes

Fred Nastos nastos-JAjqph6Yjy8fbXvGcxQkLSwD8/FfD2ys at public.gmane.org
Tue Jul 27 22:35:41 UTC 2004

On July 27, 2004 06:22 pm, Kareem Shehata wrote:
> This is slightly off-topic, but I'm not sure where else to ask this.
> I've managed to get LaTeX to produce envelopes for me using the envlab
> package from Boris Veytsman with my letterhead class, and everything
> looks great except for one thing.  When I produce a PDF file to email,
> it includes the envelope as the second page!

I didn't really understand this last bit.  Does the fact that you are
emailing the PDF have anything to do with your problem?

How are you making your pdf?  ps2pdf, or pdflatex, or some
other method?  How does a postscript version look?

> In general, I have a few different documents in LaTeX that I'd like to
> split into several output files.  Is there an easy way to do this?

If you want to split the resulting pdf/ps, it might be worth trying pdftk: 

If you want to this from latex itself, I think you are only allowed
one \begin{document} and one \end{document} per document.

Good Luck.

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