AOL 7.0 Data

Kareem Shehata kareem-d+8TeBu5bOew5LPnMra/2Q at
Tue Jul 20 12:57:42 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 07:03, Fraser Campbell wrote:
> It is a terrible idea, you aren't doing them any favours.  Convert them to 
> netscape, mozilla, eudora or xyz, *anything* but Outlook.
> Outlook is even more of a security nightmare than Internet Explorer.  Does 
> your client enjoys random popups, being used as a spam relay and their 
> computer doing wierd things at inopportune moments???

I've heard that outlook is less than great, but I didn't think it was
worse than IE (I didn't think anything could be that bad).  In that
case, let me ask you this: what would you suggest that's free (as in
beer), light enough to run on a pentium running Win98 (as I said, I'm
working on that), and simple and stable enough for an admin assistant to


   kareem-d+8TeBu5bOew5LPnMra/2Q at   -    Kareem Shehata     -     416-766-4911     
     A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater
     than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to
     avoid trouble.
       -- Mahatma Ghandi

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