NTP with Windows Clients
Mike Kallies
mgjk-cpI+UMyWUv9BDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Jan 21 16:34:39 UTC 2004
Kareem Shehata wrote:
> I've configured my Debian/GNU box to use NTP with the configuration
> below. It works well from other Linux boxen, but I can't seem to get
> any Windows machines to sync to it, whether by the built-in client or
> third-party tools. Is there any trick to making it SNTP compatible?
Built-in NTP client?
As far as I know there is no built-in NTP client in any version of
Windows. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If you've set up Samba, you should be able to do the following from the
Windows boxes:
c:\>net time \\servername /set /yes
If you're not already using Samba, or if you're worried about utter
precision, then you should probably stick with NTP... the above will
either not be precise enough or it will require a service you shouldn't
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