Mandrake or Fedora?

Matthew Godycki mcg2-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Tue Jan 13 21:15:04 UTC 2004


For the past few years I have been running RedHat on my Linux server.  I've recently just finished building a new machine to replace my poor old aging linux box.  Of course, I now have to make a distro choice seeing as RedHat as we knew it is no more.

I've narrowed it down to either the Fedora project or Mandrake.  I've got it down to those two mostly because I'd been using RedHad for so many years, that I'm honestly not all that interested in having to relearn new configurations, setups, and all that.  I use Linux as a developer, and as such I'm not all that into the administration side of things, so I'd like to use something that's familiar.  I like to minimize my time spent on administering the box, and focus on what I like playing with (Java, PHP, etc, etc on Linux).

Obviously, Fedora is a choice, as is Mandrake seeing as it's rather similar to RedHat.

Do any of you have any opinions or suggestions when it comes to those two distributions?

Thanks in advance,

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