xterm pointer resources

David Tilbrook dt-hKuJ9UrQZDM at public.gmane.org
Sat Jan 10 08:47:30 UTC 2004

I recently was forced to upgrade to Redhat 9 (my disk crashed)
which has meant that I've been spending a lot of time trying
to recover and discover things that no longer work or need to be

One problem is that my xterm pointer
resources no longer appear to work.

I have settings:

	xterm.*.pointerColor: red
	xterm.*.pointerColorBackground: brown
	xterm.*.pointerShape: xterm

Changing the pointerShape does take affect the pointer used,
however, the changing the Color resources appears to do

They used to work and still do on freebsd.

Does anyone know of other controls (e.g., other resources,
environment variables, files, xterm flags, etc.) that might
affect the pointer *Color* [sic] settings?

-- dt

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