Interesting warning regarding filesharing

William O'Higgins william.ohiggins-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Fri Feb 27 01:10:23 UTC 2004

>> I've noticed in your sig that you are a "J.D. Candidate". I have no idea 
>> what that means, could you explain?
>> Kinda handy having a lawyer on the list! :)
>JD what the U of T calls its law degree. Most other Canadian schools call it an LLB. It is a JD in the US. Stands for Juris Doctor. 
>I am still a law student, but I am keenly interested in privacy and IP issues particulary with respect to Linux and Open Source. 

Please note that Mr. Gellner has not referred to himself as a lawyer,
quite wisely.  Similarly, his comments to this list should not be
construed as legal advice.  He has demonstrated the ability to think,
and his contributions to the list in the areas of law (and Linux) are 
quite useful, but are not legal advice.  The service of legal advice 
in an official capacity in Ontario is the province of a monopoly called 
the Law Society of Upper Canada (yes, LSUC) and like all monopolies, 
they defend their province with energy.

If you find yourself needing legal advice, definitely post to the list,
as there are many (myself among them) who will assist you in seeking the
right council and asking the right questions, but do not take as "legal
advice" something that is not actually "legal advice".  LSUC's rules of
professional conduct are quite specific (as are those of almost any bar
association) and it would be a shame to encumber Mr. Gellner's name by
incorrectly characterizing his posts as legal advice.



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