This is both hillarious and appauling ...

Byron Sonne blsonne-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Wed Feb 18 21:11:23 UTC 2004

> Just came across something... Have fun. Comments? Suggestions? I only have couple of for him f#@cks in my pocket.

The good thing about this is that it is readily apparent the author has 
some issues to work through in terms of completing his understanding of 
what the *whole* linux/OSS movement is about, not just the lunatic 
fringe. Basically, he makes it readily apparent that he, himself, is a fool.

The bad thing is that too many people tend to be sheep and can fall for 
lame shit like this, and start some kind of dangerous movement or raise 
some other issue.

Sigh. Sometimes all you can do is be content that at least *you* didn't 
fall for it.


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