need help installing Fedora using partition magic

Simon Tonekham simon_128-PkbjNfxxIARBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Thu Dec 30 22:14:04 UTC 2004


I recently upgraded my hard drive to an 120GB Western Digital Hard Drive and 
currently I have Windows XP Professional with SP2 Installed on my computer 
system. I've installed PartitionMagic version 8.05 on my computer today and 
I wanted to know how I can safely install Fedora on my computer. The reason 
that I'm asking is that I'm planning to install Fedora Linux on my 
computer.The specifications goes as follows:

- Intel P4 at 1.4GHz
- 256 MB RDRAM
- 120GB Western Digital Hard Drive (that's where my current OS is held) with 
8MB Cache, 7200RPM (already emptied and no plans for other uses as of yet)
- 30GB Quantum\Maxtor Hard Drive (2MB cache), also at 7200RPM
- Windows XP Pro SP2
- 16X LG DVD-ROM drive (equiv. to 48X Max CD-ROM)
- A-open 48x write/12x re-write/50x read CD-writer

The biggest barriers that I encounter are the partitioning and the 
boot-loader. As for the boot-loader, which boot-loader should I use? The 
GRUB boot loader provided with Fedora or BootMagic, the software that 
already provided by PartitionMagic?

I'm concerned that one false move and my computer will be toast. That's what 
happened to my uncle's computer last summer. He wasn't aware that he could 
add an additional operating system, rather than creating a Linux partition 
on his. Do I also need to create separate partitions every time for the 
Linux installation?

Any suggestions will be appreciated, thank you.

A future Linux user

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