TLUG Sliding Scale

Teddy Mills teddymills-VFlxZYho3OA at
Mon Dec 20 14:22:54 UTC 2004

Recording from DV to a VHS/VCR line-in is easy.
Thus, I transfered the recent TLUG meeting (Colins McGregors Knoppix) to 

However, I was thinking of recording a MPEG1 file also.
I thought of recording a high quality MPEG, say 4000Kb/sec.  But there 
is a problem with that.
First,  the MPEG capture card is not the greatest, nor is the PC it is 
in. (PIII-450)
Thus I think recording about 2000Kb/sec is about the maximum it will do 
without starting to degrade the video/audio.

So I decided on recording a lower quality MPEG1, say about the quality 
of a VCD.
I am not making VCDs, since VCDs make no sense these days.
I am just recording it to a VCD level of quality MPEG1 file. (Assume 
60MB/hour: 1MB/minute)

I was thinking of uploading these meetings to a server somewhere that 
can do some moderate bandwidth,
or perhaps bring some DVDs to every meeting with all the meetings on them.

That means downloading 600MB for 1 hour of video.
It is up to your people to decide what level of audio/video you think is 

If it were me, I would choose about 500k/minute, translates to about 15 
hours/15 meetings per DVD.
Plus, everyone would prefer downloading 300MB as opposed to 600MB.

If you want, you can just get the .MP3 file of the audio...That would be 
like 50 or 100kb or so!

The Toronto Linux Users Group.      Meetings:
TLUG requests: Linux topics, No HTML, wrap text below 80 columns

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