Use of Knoppix...

cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at
Thu Dec 16 03:41:14 UTC 2004

> I'd love to see this but will be out of town. It brings up something
> I've been thinking of however. I'm getting my Mom a computer finally
> and was wondering what to put on it. I don't want her to have to deal
> with viruses, Windose etc. so was thinking of just loading the machine
> with a Knoppix CD.  Does this make sense versus putting a full Linux
> install on the harddrive? I assume there is a way she could save her
> email and weblinks to a hard drive.  This way whenever I see her I
> could just bring the latest Knoppix CD.

Neat idea.

It's definitely going to take some effort to configure the Knoppix CD to
be aware of where the persistent HD material is supposed to be.

What's rather unfortunate is that you'll need to maintain enough space
on your own system to store the "master copy" of what gets burned into
that Knoppix CD.  A few GB of disk space only costs a few bucks, I
suppose, but there would be a goodly "win" in being able to reuse that
configuration for several CDs...
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