Fair charge for one-on-one Linux tutoring; advice

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane-MHIYrZpDPrNWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org
Wed Dec 15 04:11:08 UTC 2004

On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 06:21:12PM -0500, Madison Kelly wrote:
>   I have been asked to teach/tutor someone new to Linux one-on-one. I 
> have taught at college before so I do have an idea what I am getting 
> myself into but what I am at a bit of a loss for is what would a fair 
> fee per hour be. Has anyone done this before? How would you calculate a 
> fair fee?

I would say $50/hour. It might seem expensive per hour at first, but there are a
few things to consider:
	- will you pay yourself to travel to and from the site?
	- are you going to prepare any kind of curriculum ahead of time?
	- how will you deal with follow-up questions?

Teaching is an expensive on one's time...if it's a friend that's looking for help,
I'd suggest recommending a few newbie-friendly mailing lists. Or maybe do
a barter something else? If the person already has a general idea of what
they're doing, ask them to buy you a coffee in exchange for access to your
brain. And if it's not someone who's a friend, do the teaching industry a
favour and charge a fair rate. ;)


Emma Jane Hogbin
Mobile  : 416 417 2868 
Web     : www.xtrinsic.com
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