Solved (very odd!?) was: Losing a file handle in perl

Madison Kelly linux-5ZoueyuiTZhBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Tue Dec 14 14:33:21 UTC 2004

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> Are you using mod_perl in apache?  Or are you running perl cgi instead?
> mod_perl like other perl accelerators do NOT reinitialize variables to
> NULL/0 each time a script is run and don't reparse the script each time,
> to save cpu time and hence speed things up.  This can make sloppy
> programs misbehave (and most perl programs are sloppy).
> Lennart Sorensen

Ah, I think I am using mod_perl (almost certaily am) so that might 
explain it. The odd thing is though that in this case '$tspace' has 
never been given a value (or at least not in months). Would this still 
explain why an open file handle fails and the source of what is 
displayed is for something else? Thanks for the insight!

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