Samba and Gnome

Noah John Gellner noah.gellner-H217xnMUJC0sA/PxXw9srA at
Wed Aug 25 05:17:32 UTC 2004

I am running nautilus 2.7.4, gnome-vfs 2.7.91, and gnome-vfs-extras 2.7.91 and
everything works pretty well except for accessing Samba shares. The problem is
that I need to authenticate for every file in a share. For example, if a folder
has 10 items in it, I need to authenticate 11 times (the folder and all items)
before I can see anything. The authentication doesn't seem to get stored

I guess that this has to do with the lack of mime-types that ship with the dev
release, but I may be wrong. Does anyone have this working properly? If so, how
did you do it? Alternately, any recommendations where I can look for help. The
gnomedesktop forums are fairly useless. I imagine that I should join a gnome
mailing list, but don't know which one.


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