Testing to find out if a cable or DSL modem is online or not

Kerry Panchoo Kpanchoo-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at public.gmane.org
Fri Apr 30 17:48:07 UTC 2004

heres the current scenario:

within our application we see can see if one of our machines hast 
checked in, we now have to determine the problem- it could be one of two 
- The machine has stopped functioning
- The internet at the location is down and the machine is still in 
operation but cannot connect to our server

so we need to determine what the problem is. A ping with a pong only 
tells you that the internet is fine and the machine is still in operation.

On the other hand a ping with no reply would not tell you where the 
problem is. If i could determine if the cable modem is running, then i 
know that our machine has gone down etc. If there is no response from 
the cable modem then I know that there is an internet problem OR it may 
be unplugged etc.

I did a search online and found stuff on how to DOS a cable modem haha; 
not exactly what i was looking for.


Robert Brockway wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
>>>I'd like to be able to determine which of these have taken place. Do you
>>>know what tests can be carried out to determine if the cable or DSL
>>>modem is in operation if i have the (hopefully) the current IP address
>>>of the modem ?
>>The modem does generally not have an IP, it just acts as a bridge
>>device.  So no there is no way to test for that at least not remotely.
> This is true, but the presence of the Internet link itself implies that
> the cable/adsl modem is up[1].  So I would say the answer to the question
> is "ping"[2].
> [1] Assuming a static address.  If it is dynamic someone else might have
> grabbed it if your site is down.
> [2] Unless the original poster really wants to try to detect the presence
> of the modem without an IP being allocated on the interface.
> Rob

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