cable modem activity
talexb-SBdzbUvMQDunS0EtXVNi6w at
talexb-SBdzbUvMQDunS0EtXVNi6w at
Wed Apr 21 19:21:11 UTC 2004
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Mel Seder wrote:
> I left the computer on and went for lunch. The computer wasn't doing anything
> that used the modem and I had no scheduled jobs.
> When I came back from lunch the cable model was going at full blast.
> Is there a command or something I can do to see what processes are running
> instead of just shutting down the computer?
I like
ps axf
which shows me a list of all processes, grouped in a tree-like structure
that shows child processes.
Now, if you are seeing traffic on your cable modem, that may or may not be
traffic *coming into* your machine -- it may just be passing through on
its way to your neighbour's machine. I have DSL, so any traffic on the
modem is for me, but my father-in-law has cable, and his LEDs flash all
the time.
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