the problem with Linux?

Fraser Campbell fraser-eicrhRFjby5dCsDujFhwbypxlwaOVQ5f at
Tue Apr 13 20:21:45 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 10:17, Howard Gibson wrote:

>    I have just left my Red Hat 8 laptop over at my mother's place. 
> Hopefully, she will like it better than the various Windows 95/98 machines
> she has had access to (i.e. hopefully it will work :)

It should work out fine ... my mother's been running Linux for about 18 
months, I told her that if she wanted to continue receiving my help then she 
had to run Linux.  It might have been blackmail but she hasn't looked back. 
It takes me 2.5 hours to drive to her place but I have never had to do so on 
account of the computer (luckily the one drive failure was not the boot 

>    If everything works out, I will be looking for a way to build a user
> friendly linux desktop.  I figure that my primary requirement is for a good

? You mean "apt-get install kde" or "apt-get install gnome" ;-)

>    I have spent around eight years running Linux.  Can anyone suggest good
> beginner's literature?

What is it that you want documented?  "Linux" is a huge topic once you get 
beyond the kernel:

- filesystems, daemons, networking
- X, KDE, GNOME, ???
- Openoffice
- programming/development
- all of the above

There are books that "cover" a lot of topics skin deep, they weigh enough to 
kill a gorilla, personally I don't find them useful.  I'm not saying 
documentation isn't needed, I'm just wondering what you need.

Fraser Campbell <fraser-Txk5XLRqZ6CsTnJN9+BGXg at>       
Georgetown, Ontario, Canada                               Debian GNU/Linux

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