
JoeHill joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Mon Sep 29 01:49:55 UTC 2003

On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 16:05:57 -0400
Chris Keelan <rufmetal-MwcKTmeKVNQ at> uttered:

> Why use balsa over Sylpheed?

Well it didn't take as long as I thought.

Two things killed it for me...well, actually 3.

1. There *is* a GTK2 port of Sylpheed (yay!) and it compiles without a
whole whack of stuff.

2. Balsa will not do one thing that I must, I say, *must* have as a
feature, which is to automagically prune text to reply to by simply
selecting it with my mouse in the preview pane and hitting "reply". 

3. Balsa has GoTo Next for Message, Unread Message, and Marked Message,
but no GoTo Previous, which, in a folder with over 1000 messages... :-(

Nice lookin' though, and it's Gnome/GTK2/GNU, so I certainly see it as a
great project, but I just don't have the high-power needs for all of the
features it *does* have, and it's missing a couple that I really don't
want to give up.

I learned a lot trying to compile it though!

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